Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Resisting, Refusing the Gloom & Doom...

Yikes. Surrounded by the gloom & doom-sayers. It is fear, no doubt. Fear, uncertainty, and misinformation/disinformation flooding the zone. My partner and I tried to conjure up the good vibrations yesterday. We did our best to rally a few folks, to lift them up from the darkness and the world of bad juju.

The goal is to see clearly. Reality is always a battle, or a dance, between the dark & the light. To only see one of the dance partners is to miss the target. The life you save may be your own.

The belief in our home is that you can change the vibe. You can conjure the good. You can influence friends and neighbors, you can be a shining example to all your friends & even strangers, just by being positive, and passing on those positive vibes. We try to live by a certain code. Carry ourselves in a positive way. Live it, be it.

Act as if you are what you want to be. And you will embody & become it.

It all kind of goes with our Meditation Practice. Creative Visualization. It's a simple tool. Imagine. Create pictures in your head with the idea of making that energy, that picture, that vibe a reality.

Energy creates energy. At least, that's the idea, and the practice. It helps that there are two of us. Mutually validating. Of course, sometimes it can go the other way. Look out  below if we both spin out at the same time. A vortex, a black hole of energy. We usually can avoid it. Usually one of us can help the other extricate from the darkness.

Sure, there is always trouble in the world. Doom & gloom is around every corner. Still, we can lean to the light. We can be disciplined, do our best to not falter or fall, and if we do fall, well, fuck, we get back up. 

You know, it's all kind of ephemeral & sketchy. Vibes are invisible, hard to pin down. Still, the vibe-work  is real work, the good work. Conjuring, resisting, refusing to indulge in the gloom and doom. The Universe is  big, overwhelming & complicated. And that's ok. The dark and light contending every day and night.