Faux Fu

Thursday, July 18, 2024

"Bright Things Come to Confusion..." - Wm Shakespeare

"Behold/The Jaws of darkness do devour it up/So bright things come to confusion." - William Shakespeare

Yesterday it was all Shakespearean-like, or maybe Shakespearean-light, drama. Comedy & Tragedy dancing a jig. Is all Life just performance art?

The forest was on the move. Massive, gorgeous trees decamping from a large flat-bed trailer looking for a spot in a holy sanctuary beside a large swimming pool. Fleeting thoughts of  Burnham Wood marching on Dunsinane. 

There were also two close-calls. Automobiles backing out silently, nearly wreaking havoc. A quiet, unassuming street. A certain deadly-mayhem a second or two, and step or two, away from reality.

"The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune."

And I was still raging at the weather, a silly, cartoon-like, King Lear, cursing the clouds, and the blue skies too. The day previous a cloud-burst had ruined an outdoor show. A brief downpour came, and the good vibes had all vanished in an instant. 

"Sound & fury signifying nothing."

Ridiculous. You can't control the weather. What's the point of being disappointed? Human psychology is a murky, muddy swamp for sure. 

All the news is "hurly-burly," and "toil & trouble."  Yes it's true the "bright things come to confusion."

Hamlet's question: "To be, or not to be." Of course, the answer, immediately, yes, despite all the over-amped darkness & shite:  "To be!"

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