Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Essential Thing...

My partner and I voted in the Illinois Primary yesterday. Democrat ballot. Voted for Joe B. and Kamala H. and a long list of local Democrats. There was very little drama in this primary election. Illinois is a sold-blue state, the Democrats do well here. Our town is a super-progressive blue-bubble in a solid blue state.

Maybe we live in a bit of an echo chamber?

Around here we love Democracy, Human Rights, Voting Rights, a progressive, inclusive, optimistic America. So, anyway, it was low-turnout day. The polling place was pretty empty mid-afternoon. But it felt good to do our "civic duty."

You know, folks have fought, lived, and died, just for the right to vote all around the world. It would be a shame to take that for granted, to not appreciate the honor and priviledge of casting a vote for one's preferred representatives.

I do think lots of folks are tuned out, and burned out, about politics. It has been a nasty few years of political discontent. And the media seems to just love to amplify the stupid shit. But I do have high-hopes for the November Election. As they say, "Democracy is on the ballot." The fate of our little experiment in government by and for the people is under attack. Commonsense Joe is "fighting for the soul of America."

We did a little essential thing yesterday. And we will do it again in November. High hopes.