Tuesday, March 19, 2024

I Dreamed of Bob & Neil...

Dylan dreamed about St. Augustine. Neil Young dreamed about being a salmon swimming upstream. I dreamed about being in a room with Bob and Neil. Neil appeared as he was when he was singing "Like a Hurricane" with Crazy Horse in 1977. Dylan looked like he was when he was singing "Idiot Wind" in Colorado way back in 1976.

Wow. Talk about influences and influencers. It's totally weird to me. My head in the clouds of another time and place, deep in sleep, head buried in my pillow. I suppose, over the years, "creatively," & "artistically" Bob and Neil really are the ones that inspired me more than any others. Two wildly creative, prodigious, mercurial, gnarly, confounding, inspiring, ever-changing, conjurers & spirits. The only others even in the near orbit for me: Kurt Vonnegut, Sam Shepard, John Lennon.

What happened in the dream? I took a chair in the audience with lots of baggage all around me. Lugging my stuff. Schlepping as usual. Encumbered with stuff. Neil said a few words on the mic and then took a seat behind me. He immediately pulled out a joint, lit it up, and passed it around. 

We waited for Bob. Saw a glimpse of him darting around in the wings. A hard to pin down, flashing presence. I was already practicing in my head how I was gonna explain to my friends that I was in a room with Bob & Neil. And, I mean, wasn't it just totally amazing?!

It was so vivid and real. To what end? Not sure. Maybe, you know, just human beings, in a room, being themselves to the max. That's it. Not a bad artistic, creative credo.