Thursday, March 07, 2024

Sleepwalking towards Fascism...

Morning news in America.

We are sleepwalking towards Fascism. How does our little experiment in Democracy die? Incrementally, tiny step by step;  a cocktail of inattention, total boredom, mindless zombism, bad faith, bad luck. And significantly, a completely broken political party = The Republicans. The only truth-tellers in the Republican party, are ex-members of the Republican party.

Darth Vader's (Dick Cheney's), Daughter, surprisingly, heroically, is one such truth-teller...

"The GOP has chosen. They will nominate a man who attempted to overturn an election and seize power. We have eight months to save our republic & ensure Donald Trump is never anywhere near the Oval Office again. Join me in the fight for our nation’s freedom." - Liz Cheney

Yes, as they say, "the stakes are high." You hope "the people," the voters are up to the task. "Saving our Democracy." Seems pretty damn important. Sure, lots of distractions, you want to think about other things, maybe you are burned out, tired of the whole political thing, but shite, anyone who values America & Democracy better get their shit together. Yep. Joe Biden, and the Democratic Party. The only way forward. Really.