Friday, March 08, 2024

Common Sense Joe - True American Original...

"The Word." Great Beatles song. You can find it on their fabulous, masterpiece record "Rubber Soul."  (1965). "Say the word, and you'll be free..." Yes. The song and the album are oldies (but goodies). Words of description that bubble up: enthusiastic, alive, vibrant, beautiful, inventive, creative, unique, optimistic, hopeful, fiery, fun. By the way, the word is LOVE.

My partner  and I sat in the kitchen, tuned in the public radio channel and listened to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address last night. We listened to every last word. Funny, the same words of description come to mind: enthusiastic, alive, vibrant, beautiful, inventive, creative, unique, optimistic, hopeful, fiery, fun. Yes. We loved Joe's speech.

Yes. Joe too, is an "oldie but goodie." A true American Original. It was all there in his speech. Intelligence. Empathy. A fully-formed Human Being. Common Sense Joe, someone who still believes in public service, and doing the right thing, a human being that "talks the talk, and walks the walk."

Dylan's line resonates in my mind this morning: "Every word rang true as it were written in my soul." Yes. Heady stuff indeed. Joe has plans, and he's a savvy politician. He is fucking good at his job. A roll up your sleeves kind of guy who still wants to get things done. Joe Biden is a true American Hero. Might sound old fashioned and sappy. But it is madly & deeply true.

Sure it's a complicated, wonderful, maddening, and often, a supremely fucked up world we all live in. But we need those folks who still believe in a "better union," a better America. Folks who still believe in Democracy, Freedom, Equality, Propserity, Common Sense, Good Government. Sometimes Joe seems like that last good man standing. But behind him are millions and millions of folks who have not given up on the dream. "Say the word, and you'll be free."