Sunday, March 03, 2024

Peaceful, Uneasy Feeling...

How to pin it down?

The last few days, a feeling of unease, dis-ease, has settled upon me and permeated my being. I think of that ubiquitous, sort of annoying Eagles song, "Peaceful Easy Feeling," that seemed to always be wafting thru the air, but this feeling I carry with me, subverts it: "A Peaceful Uneasy Feeling." Is it just me? Or is it reflective of a wider, deeper, more universal malaise? I don't rightly know. 

Life seems to be speeding up around me, careening out of control. Maybe that idea of control has always been off-target? Whatever is going on, unease, dis-ease, or dys-ease, a little fluttering in the core of my being has taken hold of me. I think maybe I am onto something, or maybe something is onto me?