Monday, March 04, 2024

Beware the Ides of March...

Googling Google, with a dollop of curiosity, and with your Bullshit Detector turned up high, well, you may learn a thing or two.

"Beware the Ides of March." It's from Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar." Things did not go well, oh so long ago, for Caesar in the month of March. 

They don't make them like Shakespeare any more. Talk about a prodigious genius, and a very influential playwright. Caesar, well, he's a common type: eloquent, an iron-fisted ruler, a domineering personality, willing to put the screws to many folks, bending them to his whims and rules. Some hailed him, others brought out the knives.  I suppose it goes with the territory.

The Ides of March is also a Chicago one-hit wonder band, "I'm your vehicle, baby, I'll take you anywhere you want to go..." 

Here in the Heartland it is already an uncommonly warm & unseasonably warm beginning to March. For sure as the result of human-made, catastrophic climate change. We enjoyed the sunshine and warmer temps, but at the same time we felt a bit uneasy, and wary. Beware, indeed. Yes, that peaceful, uneasy feeling (see previous post), still hung over us. 

Doing our best to keep it together. Maintain clarity, and a sense of calm. Still... you know... the Ides of March... beware, and be aware...