Sunday, February 11, 2024

Wading Thru Waves of Mud & Shite...

Yikes. It's getting harder to listen to the news. Every day one has to slog thru waves of urelenting mud and shite. Not easy trying to find clarity, wisdom and common sense. The cultural landscape seems to have fractured. It seems like our "major institutions" are tilting and cracking under the weight of an onslaught of bullshit.

I am an optimistic, progressive sort, but it's often a freaking chore to do the parsing, the wading, the trying to make sense of things. Sometimes, for sanity's sake, I need to just tune to it all out. I turn to art, music, literature, and often, I find myself meditating in a determined and concentrated silence. 

It's a bit of a turning away. A defensive move.  A strategy for survival, better living, keeping my head on straight. I find myself tying to find a healthy neutrality, a distance, a space in my head to process and deal with the deal.

I am reading Jeff Tweedy's book "World Within a Song."  Yep. It's great. Funny. Insightful. Jeff talks about how music changed his life at an early age. And I find myself exclaiming: "Yes, me too!'

This morning I am listening to three "miracle" albums. Music made by wild-ass creatives, folks doing their thing with wild abandon. Totally unique, & inspiring works. Uncommon. Extraordinary.  I am talking about Neutral Milk Hotel's "In the Aeroplane Over the Sea" (1998), the Pogues "Rum, Sodomy &  Lash"  (1985), Jeff Tweedy & Wilco's "Summerteeth." (1999). Everything is to be found in the grooves. There is joy, light and enlighenment in these albums and songs. Gives me hope in the midst of the mud and shite.