Saturday, February 10, 2024

"The Truth Has A Liberal Bias - Truly!"

Ha. This is something that was originally floated as a joke, that turns out to be true: "The Truth has a Liberal Bias." And there is a study to confirm that conclusion. I suppose I love this article and the study because it confirms my perception of the political landscape and the broader cultural conversation too.

As a pretty enthusiastic Liberal I do my best to sift thru information and come to smart, right and true conclusions. And, I'm open and willing to change my mind if the reality demands it. I think of that as knowledge and wisdom. A smart way to navigate the world. But even my conclusions are up for a rethink if the science, the data, the reality of life confilcts with my preconceived notions. I find it best to keep my "conclusions" open-ended, open-minded, you know things like, Life is Good, Also Life is kind of a Mystery, A Better Day is possible, All Human Beings have a right to a happy, good, fulfilling reality, you know, that kind of dreamy liberal stuff.

You know, I think that all knowledge is up for examination. Everything is partial, tentative, life is a working towards things. And that's ok. We can learn, always be learning, adjusting, rethinking, evolving, morphing, trying on new ideas, trying new things. That's a powerful, liberal way to live.

This is so contrary to the Coversative, Right Wing, MAGA, Lunatic world view. In that camp, those folks cling to their madnesses, their idiocies, their biases, their prejudices. They seem to want to impose their views on life and everyone in it. They will tell you Science doesn't matter, the data doesn't matter, really, reality doesn't matter. They want to believe what they want to believe, and really they want to impose their world-views on the rest of us. They have invented a whole information system that basically tells them the lies they want to believe. Talk about a distorted hall of mirrors.

It seems too cut and dried. Too black and white. But, over the years, it seems pretty much true.  Liberals are for the most part on the side of the truth-seekers, Conservatives not so much. Funny how that has played out.