Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Yes... Against a Mighty Wind...

Ha. You have to do a little digging to find out what really happened last night in the New Hampshire Republican Primary. You have to work a bit to get past the headlines, the click-bait, and the talking-head blabbering of the politcal pundits.

Turns out the MAGA King is actually a very weak Presidential Candidate. He isn't even all that popular in Republican cirlces at least in N.H.  If you want to track with reality on the ground, you are going to have to do some thinking, searching & swimming against the media river of shite. It's a job, a mission. Essential.

Here's my morning click-bait:  "...  there's a segment of right-leaning swing voters who just don't want to vote for a rapist/fraud/traitor."

Peter Baker, NYT:

"Trump claims again that he won in 2020. But an incumbent with a challenger scoring more than 40% against him in NH would be seen as wounded and weak. (Ask LBJ or Bush 41.) Instead, Trump claims a big victory because he's not actually an incumbent even though he plays one on TV."

Reuters take is good too: "Donald Trump's victory in the New Hampshire Republican primary on Tuesday masks weakness with independents and moderate voters that could be a warning sign for his likely general election matchup against Democrat Joe Biden, exit poll data and analysts suggest."

Yes. It's gonna be a long, muddy, slog thru lots of shite this year. An overflowing river of shite, a lot of over-hyped hubbub, and brain-numbing, hurly-burly. But I do believe cooler heads and warmer hearts will come to the fore. You know Democrats, Independents and Moderates are gonna rise up and have their say. They will save Democracy. No doubt. I do believe. That's the takeaway. Amen Brothers & Sisters.