Thursday, January 25, 2024

The Necessity of the Slog...


Nature teaches us. "You must slog thru..." 

Yes. Indeed. The seasons all have their lessons. The present season of snow, ice, & freezing rain is a valuable and gnarly teacher. If you must navigate thru the streets, on the sidewalks, across the pathways, you must take infinite care. Each step is a potential calamity. "Every step counts."  Sounds prosaic. And I suppose it is, but it also critical to making it thru in one piece. Any fall can be deadly.

Slipping, sliding, faltering, catching yourself in the midst of a fall, well, that my friend, is just brave adventure. Getting thru the day without falling, that is the very definition of success. You can take pleasure in the simple goodness of simple things.  "I didn't fall today."

Instead, a healthy slog; slow, determined, a bit clumsy, homely, dull & boring. So earthbound. Back home, strip off all the garments made cold & wet. Happy to be alive and whole in a warm kitchen, the radiators singing. Counting my blessings. Made it without hurting myself. All hail the necessary slog.