Wednesday, January 03, 2024



I am staying at a wealthy family's home, a mansion near the lake. A big old house, with many rooms. It's a nice place. Simple, old world, a classic version of splendor. I am alone with one little furry beast. She is a funny little being, she loves to chase her tail. I mean, who doesn't? Cheap entertainment. She is a little whirling dervish, never quite catches that tail, but she tries. I see my own hopes and dreams as a version of tail-chasing too.

There are things I want to actualize. Determined tail-chasing. I wonder can I make happen, what I want to happen, or do things just happen? Tail just out of reach?!

Mornings are now Mr. Coffee, (one button, on/off), and Quaker Oats (smug, grinning white-haired, quaking- dude on the container). Simple, & easy does it. What is the big deal about buttons and oats? Economy of movement, economy of thought. Early morning, in the dark, beans pre-ground, water resevoir filled, a push of the button to a great pot of coffee. AND... Slightly less than a cup of oats, nearly two cups water, a dash of agave syrup, and you have a fabulous morning breakfast. 

It helps to keep it simple. Keep my feet on the ground, and my head in the game. That's basically it, in a nutshell. Uncommon luxury and simplicity just now happen to be the touchstones of my life at the moment.