Thursday, January 04, 2024

Gray vs. the Inner Light...

Super-gray. A day of grays. Yesterday was a cold, gray day. It sort of put a veil over everything. It was hard to muster up a sunny disposition. The day demanded that one turn on their inner love-light. Outside, in the elements, infinite shades of gray ruled.

Hard not to be a bit down. I sort of slogged thru the motions of a day. It wasn't untl later in the afternoon that the tide turned. 

We sat in our rehearsal studio working on a song we have been working on for a couple of weeks now. It is a promising song, great lyrics, lots of riffs and parts, but for some reason it was all sort of clunky, not clicking. My partner suggested we just blow it up and try something completely different.

In some ways, a scary prospect. So much good work. How to remake it from scratch? I had no idea.

Without a thought in my head I just started to strum in a manner I have never strummed before; a little thing, but everything. I was using a different pick, one I haven't used in quite awhile. So odd. It truly was like lightening striking. The song suddenly had a bold, stirring rhythm unlike anything we've ever done before, and all the parts easily and perfectly fell together. We recorded this new version on my partner's phone. That rhythm was the whole thing, right there, complete. An elusive butterly flitting about. Luckily we captured the flittering and fluttering.

So exciting. We were both suddenly lit up with the creative fire burning thru us. We live for those moments. Truly. Damn the tiredness, damn the slogging thru, damn the gray. We have a new song. The inner light newly incandescent.