Friday, January 12, 2024


Sweet Mother Nature. Life-maker. All that lives, emerges from her depths. She has her fierce & nasty side too. A life-taker.  She is complete: A Sweet & Cruel Mother.

Yesterday was a day of anticipation. The calm before the coming storms. A mild winter day. Flashes of sunlight, milder temps. But the day overall felt quite temporary. A day of reprieve. There were predictions of a major storm on it's way.

This morning, this richly-black and cold morning, it feels so very different. The wind, it howls. The wind is a fierce & snarling beast. It blasts across the lake, blasts thru the tree branches, there are little dagger-like spikes of water in the air. Nasty. A powerful, wild, wind. We trudge against the wind. It challenges you, freezes your skin, cuts to the bone.

We have fucked with the formula, for uncounted years Human Beings have carelessly pumped tons & tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.  There are consequences. Reap the wild wind. Extreme weather. That is a theme we can't deny. Climate Catastrophe: stoked by Human greed & stupidity. No doubt.

This morning it is beastly out there, but just a preamble. They say it will get bad, really, really bad.  We have stocked up on provisions, brought out the heavy garments in which to enrapture ourselves. Preparing to hunker in. "Come in, she said, I'll give you, Shelter from the Storm." - B. Dylan  Yes. Indeed. The poet speaks.

At some point the weather dominates. All your Human plans, all your little comings and goings are ruled over, and dictated by, Nature's Force. All you can do is try your best to survive. Make it thru intact.

One offers up an improvised morning prayer: Dear Mother, please, don't forsake us.