Saturday, January 13, 2024

Almost Calamitous...

Clamitious imaginings.

Often one's thoughts, worries, imaginery scenarios are much more dramatic, apocalyptic, and doom-laden than the actual reality. Yesterday's post (see previous), is an excellent example. It was a sloppy weather-day: cold, messy, slushy, with powerful winds rushing across the lake. But it wasn't very apocalyptic, you know, just a somewhat nasty winter day. One of a series. If you have lived most your life in the Heartland, this kind of weather is not a surprise.

Still, it was dangerous out there. Slippery, icey, every step chancing a fall. Trees and branches were flying thru the air and crashing to the sidewalks and streets. My good friend missed getting smashed-down by a massive tree-fall by a few minutes. She sent me a picture. If that fat trunk and branch had fallen on her, it's not hard to imagine broken bones, and a cracked skull or, you know, much worse. The wrong place, wrong time opens the door to luck (good &  bad), chance, & random chaos. That's the typical day.

Anyway, it didn't go down that way. 

We both spent most of the day inside. We were in different locations, doing the same sorts of things. Warm, toasty, riding out the storm. Yes, Mother Nature had declared, "If you are smart, you will stay home." We were able to rewire the day and did just that. We called it a "snow day." Listened to music (Steely Dan, John Martyn, Neil Young), plunged into a novel, Anthony Burgess' "A Dead Man in Deptford" (1993) drank hot tea, had a nutritious meal, streamed an entertaining show "Tokyo Vice" (2022) So, yes, we made the storm work for us, we turned the day into a completely different kind of reality. It became a day of hunkering in, a day of determined leisure and casual luxury. Making it. Yes.