Wednesday, December 06, 2023

We Shall See...

Good Lord. Yesterday a nasty subject came up in our household. What subject? The Future. My good friend put me on the thought-train of the future, our future, my future.

I realized this was not a subject I usually entertain. Mainly because I don't find it entertaining. I never think about the future. Or, I mean, I never or, rarely, think about my future. I spend nearly every moment of every day living, thinking, breathing in the ever-expanding present moment. I just have very little room inside my own head for a imagined, or projected future. Plus, I think most of the talk of the future is really just projecting the present forward, projecting our hopes, fears, little madnesses onto a imagined, fabricated picture. Like I said, not really enteraining, or enlightening.

Is this dismissive attitude towards the future a good way to live? Beats me. It's just so me. It is my practiced tendency to put on a complete, all consuming profile of being ZEN. I don't always get there, but it is one of my go-to modes. So, I pretty much stepped out of the conversation instantaneously when I realized we were onto the future. I just didn't want to go there.

Ask me one of those ridiculous questions folks like to ask when you are interviewing for a job: "Where do you see yourself in 5 years?" My answer (not the silly b.s. I would come up with in an interview): "I don't. Really. I don't see myself in 5 years. Maybe I make it, maybe I don't. Whatever."

Yeah. Never said that in an interview, but it was what was floating in my head, left unsaid. I think of that Joe Strummer line: "The Future is Unwritten." That's more like it. That seems like a window, a doorway, a crack in the fabric of the Universe. Yep. "Wonder what's gonna happen next?" We shall see...