Thursday, December 07, 2023

Ridiculous and Frankly Dangerous...

A close friend turned me on to this story: American Evangelicals and Political Extremism. One of the weirdest, most confounding, strange, ridiculous and frankly dangerous of political phenomenas.

When I think "trump," I think: idiot, liar, conman, rapist, creep, authoritarian, racist. Bad. 

When white, American, christian-nationlist, Evangelicals think "trump," they think: idiot, liar, conman, rapist, creep, authoritarian, racist, jesus, moses, david. Good.

Hard to get your head around, for sure. I suppose we can try explain it to ourselves by pointing out that those white, christian-nationalist, evangelicals seem to hate the same people that trump hates. trump seems to hate anyone who doesn't kiss his ass. And it turns out that many, many people just love to kiss trump's ass; senators, house representatives, and of course, the MAGA hordes.

So, yes, strange bedfellows, bonded by hatred.

Scary. Creepy. Irrational. A little insane. That is a toxic combination. Super-dangerous too for our delicate and precious Democracy.