Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Power and Glory of Yes, and No...

Another day of walking in my own shoes. 

You know, one's personal experience is just so damn personal, so much our own. We are born in a particular time and place. What is alive and real in our hearts and heads seems so deeply us. Unlike anyone else. As Tom Petty once sang, "No one knows what it's like... to be me." Maybe that sounds a bit egotistical or self-centered, and maybe it is, but you know, it's also true. We are all on our own singular roads, experiencing life in our own way. We made an entrance somewhere along the way, and will make an exit all on our own time and terms. You know the terms dictated by our particular genetic heritage, by luck, pluck, & the unfathomable, madly-varying, hurly-burly and circumstance of living a life. Sure there are resonances with others, we are uniquely us, but we are also not so unique, just very human beings, so very similiar to everyone else. It's a weird conundrum. We are truly, madly, deeply uniquely us, but we are not so uniquely us that we don't truly, madly, deeply and uniquely resemble pretty much every other human being on the planet. 

Alive, aware, awake. I find myself pinballing from two modes, one, the affirmative way, and the other, the negative way, the first learned from Improv: "Yes, and..." and the second learned from the hard lessons of too much "Yessing." That would be the bodly negative: "No. No fucking way. Not gonna do it." You have to choose wisely dear Pilgrim. Yes and No. They both have their rewards and downsides. Those anwsers can be tremendously liberating, but also quite enslaving. One person's fun-time, can be your hell-time. One person's super-food, can be your kryptonite. You must always remember who's shoes you are walking in. No one else can get in them with you. You have to do the walking on your own, even if you are walking hand in hand with another human being,  two beings, being human. Together and Alone. Always.