Saturday, December 16, 2023

Mighty Frauds = Rude Awakening...

There is a decidedly American type. The Confidence Man. The Clown. The Flim-Flam Man. The Fraud. The Scoundrel. The Glad-Handing-Bible-Thumper. Or the Flag-Waving-Constitution-Cllinging-Dick-Wagging-Wanna-Be-Authoritarian. 

There are two super-sized examples of this type that have dominated a certain segment of our gutter politics and who have saturated our media landscape with their toxic nonsense, famous New Yorkers: Trump, (Rick Wilson's "Everything that Trump Touches Dies!"), and Guiliani (Hand in his pants, black dye streaming down his face, swaggering-drunken-Mussolini Wanna Be).

Media Creations. False Idols. Fake Tough Guys. They both rose so high, well beyond their sell-dates. And lately they have been in a slow-motion, perpetual free fall. Satisfyingly, I predict we will finally see both of these bilious dirigbles, implode, no explode, in dramatically, technicolor fashion.

Rudy was just saddled with a $148 million Defamation Judgment. Easy to say: Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Let's celebrate for a moment. Turns out spreading idiotic lies, trying to hustle a country out of a free and fair election, has fucking consequences. Yes. Sometimes gravity does exist. Common sense, common decency, can come to the fore. Truth rules. The fraud is exposed, weighty consequences can come down like a ton of bricks. 

My easy, off the cuff response? Yay!

"Chickens coming home to roost."  Ha, ha, ha. Let it come down.  I expect more, most excellent fireworks in the next few months. You do not want to be either one of those oh so rudely-trumpy, toxic clowns. Mighty Frauds coming to Rude Awakenings. Karma, Baby!