Tuesday, December 12, 2023

The Lies of a Coward...

This post from Rick Wilson is just so good and eye-opening. Of course, it's so obvious, it has been staring us in the face all these many years. We have lived under a tsunami of lies.  Big lies, little lies, ridiculous, head-spinning lies. We have been swamped, overwhelmed with a whirling dynamo of lying. It is the unending, black-hole pit of Endless Lying = The Lies of a Complete Coward. Trump's constant, over the top, relentless lying isn't a sign of strength, it is not a super-power, it is pure unmitigaged cowardice. Cowardice on steriods. He is a man truly, madly, deeply afraid of the truth.

"He lies because he’s afraid of the truth. The truth of his smallness. The truth that he was never a real billionaire. The truth that his ongoing criminal enterprise disguised as a real estate development firm is one concatenating series of scams, grifts, tax frauds, flim-flams, foreign influence schemes, and long cons.

He’s afraid of you knowing the truth of his intellectual shortcomings. (He can barely read.) The truth about his weight and his health. (275 on the low end.) The truth about his vulgar taste. The truth of his accidental victory in 2016. The truth of his weirdness, his unsexy history of paying for sex, his shit-tier parenting, and how many times he’s failed in business and life.

Autocratic bullies and braggarts need an unending string of victories, a potent and positive image protected by a bodyguard of lies and deceptions. Why? Because they’re deeply, profoundly afraid of the people they rule." - Rick Wilson