Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hit Bottom, Now Renewed...

Unexpectantly hit bottom yesterday. Bad karma? Strange Juju? Sometimes you just don't have your MOJO working. Yes. I had little bit of a spin-out. Maybe the wrong chemistry? My body was sending me a message. "Get back to base." I carried on anyway, making all my appointed rounds, putting on the mask of "everything is totally fine."

It really wasn't, but, you know,  what's a humble pilgrim to do? "Fake it to make it." So, I did.  

What remedies, notions and potions did I reach for? Black tea. Steaming mugs of warm soothing water. A sweet potato. A chocolate bar. A delicious oatmilk hot chocolate. Miso soup! These were rare, uncommon, almost magical substances.

The day was cold, but very, very clear. Pure, righteous clarity. Funny I hit upon a state of exuberance mid-day. Maybe hitting bottom is necessary? Maybe it is the first step to a cleansing and a re-boot? Who knows? 

This morning I am sipping cups of coffee with oatmilk, alternating with steaming cups of black tea. Listening to music. Two fabulous records, Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue," (1959), one of my all-time favorite albums, any genre, and my recently discovered Neil Young album, "Songs for Judy," (2018) raw, thrilling acoustic gems from Neil's 1976 tour. Do I think listening to great music is important? Soul-enriching? Heart-expanding? Consciousness-raising? And healing? Yes. Indeed. I do. You know, it's the vibes, man, washing over, and into, the core of your being. Essential, excellent, otherworldly medicine.

Yes. The tea is essential too, the coffee too, the oatmilk, and yes for sure the music. Art, good art enriches us all. This morning a certain strange euphoria has grabbed me by the t-shirt. Right now I am typing into the void, in the very early hours of a another new day. It is still dead-dark out there, the sun won't make an appearance for a few hours. Still, feeling totally renewed. Yes. Indeed. Sort of funny how it all works out one way or another. A bit of a strange, and you know, wonderful mystery.