Friday, November 10, 2023

The Ever Expanding Present...

You know, one of my mantras: Live in the moment. Another way of saying we are always and only alive in the present. There is no past, there is no future, there is only the ever-expanding present. That seems to fit. So yes, the longer I walk around on the planet, the more expansive and wide-ranging the present becomes. The present swallows up and subsumes everything.  What I remember of the past, how I interpret the past, the stories I tell myself about the past are always morphing, evolving, shifting. The narrative is alive and changing. The past isn't set, it's always being modified by the present.  The same process is at work  in relation to the future, what i project & imagine about the future is just a reflection of the present. The now of now. Yesterday was all present, and  my partner and I spent our time  simply existing in the present fully. Light, shadow, sun, shade, blue sky, puffy clouds, cold, warm; time coming to a standstill, one breath slowing down, one breath at a time. Each breath became a symphony. What happened, what will happen? Who knows? The present dominates. Existing in the present, the whole thing.