Thursday, November 09, 2023

Simple Thoughts this A.M.

Simple thoughts this a.m. Leaning to clarity...

Yes. President Joe is old, but he is also really good at his job. He knows his shit. We all benefit from having him as President.

Banning and burning books? Ridiculous. Stupidity and close-mindedness are counter to an educated populace.

Banning Drag shows?  Also ridiculous. A silly side-show. Not worthy of anyone's time.

Women & their Doctors are the only people who should be concerned with a Woman's Autonomy.

Voting & Democracy, yes, messy, sometimes contradictory, but still the best way to run a country.

Diversity, Multiculturalism, Progressive Thinking, Human Rights for all Humans including LGBTQ+ individuals. being enthusiastically, decidedly WOKE, the best way forward.

MAGA Death Cult  = a scourge, a movement of hate and chaos, a dead-end movement, a movement of losers, and losing.

91 indictments, Karma is a bitch.