Sunday, November 05, 2023

Re-Writing Pop Culture History...

My hot take is a bit controversial, even in my own orbit (see previous post). Think of me as an enthusiastically-contrarian Beatles fan.

A pseudo-song, a deep-fake, a manipulated-entity, a bright-shiny-rejiggering, a happy-making-lie. New product. New hype. New B.S.

A triumph of marketing, and technology at the detriment of "truth." A virtual-reality-reality. I hate the re-writing of Pop Culture History. Selling the fake as the genuine.

A nice fragment, a Lennon demo recorded long after the Beatles were a band, blown up to epic proportions. A bit silly. Off-target. Unnecessary. The Apotheosis of Nice & the Ever-Unfolding-Hustle.

You know, it's a "category error." Not the last new Beatles song, a gussied up Lennon demo with decades later "help from his friends." I think it is all misguided, a sort of sad, nostalgia-trip. Rose-colored glasses focused on the bright, shiny (wouldn't it be nice if it were true), lie.