Saturday, November 04, 2023

"New Beatles Song?" Nope.

A "new" Beatles song? The last Beatles song? You might think I'd be happy to hear John Lennon singing a song, with the other mop-tops playing along, and well, although it is nice to hear John's voice, my first reaction  to the release of this song is right in line with George Harrison's judgement: Harrison grew frustrated (working on the demo) and dismissed it as “[expletive] rubbish.”

Yes. I recoil from the hype, the hustle, the marketing push. This is not the last Beatles song. It is a glorified demo, a demo John recorded in the late 70's well after the Beatles were no more, and Lennon was onto other things. John was done with the Beatles. If he lived would he have changed his mind? Who knows?! The words from his first solo album still ring in my head: "I Don't Believe in Beatles," and "The Dream is Over."

So yeah. Nice little song. But also a bright, shiny lie. Maybe a sweet & seductive little lie. A nice sounding little lie. But a lie nonetheless. This is not for me. The marketing blitz of Beatles nostalgia is so off-putting. They were a great band, their story is the New Testament of R&R, They have an incredible catalog of songs which stand up even today. This song is not the real-deal.