Saturday, October 21, 2023

Intersecting Timelines...

Intersecting timelines...

That's a feature of the Human Game; where we start, where we finish, it all varies. We are each on a singular road. It takes awhile for this to sink in, to truly, madly, deeply sink into your bones and consciousness.

If you are waiting for the moment when all will be revealed, all will make sense, and you "get it," well, like Dylan once sang: "The Groom's still waiting at the Altar." 

Yes. No one will explain it. The Lightening doesn't strike. You are left to your own devices. This is your life. Live it. Any insights come haltingly. 

Life & Living. It's complicated, messy, confusing, not always satisfying. You just need to get to it. Do your thing, do your best. Damn the torpedos.