Friday, October 20, 2023

A Common & Uncommon Day...

Yesterday. A day, pretty much like any other. I walked around the neighborhood. Made all my appointed rounds. Some days all that is required of me is that I show up, feet on the ground, head screwed on straight, and do what I say I'm going to do. Living in a certain truth. 

My companion was determined to make the day a celebration. So, it was back to flour-less chocolate cake, and "standard," fluffy cake too. One slim slice of each, shared by the two of us.  A certain luxury in eating  cake. An unusual, uncommon treat for us. 

I also brought out my guitar and worked on the chords and riffs for a new song. Waiting for lyrics from my songwriting partner. I played it for our little flock of birds. Three very unique, winged creatures. They all seemed happy with the music. Chirping, fluffing, singing along. A good sign.

Then we watched one of our favorite films, "Donne Darko"  (2001). Yes. A great, very unusual movie. About all the big things in life, weighty questions alive in a little tightly constructed film. Funny. Mysterious. With time-travel, the search for God & Love, plus a fabulous soundtrack. One of our favorite films. 

"Why are you wearing that stupid Man Suit?"

Yes. It was a day.