Wednesday, August 23, 2023

R&R = Glimmers of the Divine...

I play guitar and co-write songs with two different collaborators in two quite different bands. Both bands emerged, evolved and morphed from a theatrical production that we wrote and performed in, in the mid-2000's. Kind of extraordinary. It is just something I am lucky to do, and I'm incredibly happy to do; rehearsing and being onstage within these friendly confines. Even when a gig goes bad, which, thankfully, happens less & less often, being in these bands is a vehicle to elevate, to open the door to peak experiences. The fuck-ups and bumpy gigs are always instructive, and part of a never-ending, always happening, learning process. You learn how many ways you can fuck up. Turns out there are a million. Maybe more. Every fuckup is an opportunity to re-think, to adjust & readjust, to refine your shit. You experiment with guitars, guitar pedals, amps, cables, picks. You end up with a set-up, a stage approach that can withstand the elements. There is a on-going process of refinement propelled by the desire to avoid fuckups. There have been various line-ups in both bands over the years. The constant in both bands: me and my two very distinct, and distinguished, always-inspiring, songwriting partners. Both bands really do have their shit together. These little collectives are some of the best, most giving and creative musicians and human beings I know. We are gathered together to focus on a mission to god. Two quite unique and often gnarly creative crucibles. Maybe this two-headed, creative beast is the finest and best way I truly, madly & deeply get to spend my time. I love being in a band, I love writing songs, I love performing, I love collaborating with other musicians. I get to creatively express myself, but really, the secret key, the hidden knowledge is the reality of an invisible connection with the other players. The best of the creative work? The unspoken, almost mystical, musical communication between the players. Yes, as Pete Townshend once pointed out, it's all about the vibes; hearing, seeing, living the vibes. When you do the good work with a solid group of musicians, all connected, listening to each other, playing together, with confidence, and a concentrated focus and ease, it can be truly transcendent. If you are in a band of committed, creative souls, you are creating a bigger energy and a bigger vibe that rises above the simple human domain. I mean, it's completely human state, that somehow elevates to a divine-like state. This happens even if you are just playing a simple two-chord r&r song. A god-head emerges out of the mud. Out of that simplicity can emerge a mysterious, enveloping wonder. One of my collaborators always tells me "music is my religion." I get it. The commandments? Play with heart and soul. Give your all. Listen. Listen. Listen. Know your shit. Let go of your ego, and sink into the band of connections. Honor the vibe. Ride that vibe upward for all it's worth. No telling where it will take you. It's an outward, and maybe more significantly, an inward journey. By doing, you are working on your self, your own spirit and being. Where are we going? Wrong question. Where are we doing? We are doing everywhere. R&R. It will save your soul if you are willing to give it up. You give it up willingly. I think of that Santana instrumental: "Soul Sacrifice." Yes. Indeed. And I mean, damn the torpedoes.