Thursday, August 24, 2023

Air Conditioning: Praise the Lord!

Must I write about the weather? Again?

Yes. Yesterday (and supposedly today too), we were confronted with excessive heat. Yikes. 

What does excessive heat feel like to a simple & humble human being? 

Well. The air feels like an old, very heavy overcoat, hot, musty & gnarly, that sits on your shoulders and chest and dares you to breathe. And the sun. What about the sun? Well. If you are standing on the corner, waiting for a traffic light to change, and you are not in the shade, instead you are in the path of direct rays shooting off the sun, you feel like you are being roasted like a Christmas sausage. On a hot skillet. From the outside in, and from the inside out.


I was outside in the extreme elements for a bit. In small doses. But even that was an ordeal. I drank massive quantities of water. Hydrating to keep alive! The sweat poured out of me. Late afternoon I was bone-tired. I took a hot shower. Funny, it is a good, counterintuitive remedy. And then cooled down in an air-conditioned room.

Air Conditioning: Praise the Lord. What would we do without Air Conditioning? Probably cook and die. Word is that today might actually be worse than yesterday. Mother Nature is wreaking her revenge on the nasty little beings that treated her so thoughtlessly and foolishly. We, the caretakers fucked up. We did a terrible job taking care. Facing the consequences now.

Revolution, you can feel it in the air.