Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Trend is Not Good...

"The trend is not good..."

That was a sentence I heard on the radio regarding our Climate Catastrophe. Supreme Understatement.  The trend is us! Human Beings and our all-consuming, damn the torpedos lifestyles did this...

The plot below shows atmospheric CO2 levels from 1700 to 2021. This is based on ice core data before 1958, then the instrumental record at Mauna Loa from the Scripps CO2 program and, finally, the 2021 CO2 forecast from the Met Office


Ok. Lets try to balance all the bad news with a slight glimmer of Hope:  "Switching The World To Renewable Energy Will Cost $62 Trillion, But The Payback Would Take Just 6 Years"

You wonder if the Tricky Monkeys can rally to the cause...