Tuesday, July 25, 2023

GAIA is Fucking WOKE!

It is becoming pretty damn obvious that Gaia will be teaching Human Beings a few very important, hard-earned, and well-deserved lessons. 

Our species has been quite unruly. We have pretty much trashed our beautiful, life=supporting paradise. Gaia is not pleased. She is all-powerful, she controls the "horizontal & the vertical." 

She can unleash an onslaught of harrowing scenarios. She is fucking woke, and what she has in store for our species looks like it's not gonna be pretty. 

If you thought the Old Testament God who pretty much loathed humanity was bad, wait until you get a healthy heaping of a Pissed-Off Gaia.

The Greatest Hits of Gaia: Heat Waves, Drought, Pestilence, Food Scarcity, Flooding,  A Long Hard Fucking Rain, Deforestation, Depleted Top-Soil, Species Extinction, Uncontrolled Wildfires, Dead Oceans, Extreme Cold Temps, Hurricanes, Tornados, Derechos, Super-Storms,  Human Dislocation, etc.

You know that beautiful, mild, life-supporting web of life? Tattered. Broken. Under stress. Pushed to the brink. Yikes.

What are big take-aways for The Complicated, Tricky Monkeys? We fucked up, royally. Everything counts. Everything is connected. We are of Nature, and in Nature, and Nature is a giving and taking Mother. We are all in this together. No one will be spared. Climate Catastrophe is REAL Democracy in Action. We will all suffer. The Wealthy may think the are immune, but even they will feel the effects. No doubt.

We all did a lot of talking, but very little doing. We have been terrible caretakers for our Lovely Gaia. We just kept burning those fossil fuels, and we basically torched the place. Fuck. What is Lost, cannot be Found. Welcome to the New Abnormal.