Saturday, July 15, 2023

Hoping there's Hope...

We live with birds. We feel that we are part of the flock. 3 beings with wings, 2 beings who wished they had wings. We are all connected by invisible strings. We are all so flighty and damn sensitive. It is easy to get spooked and overwhelmed. We spend lots of time trying to decompress, to chill out, to find a mode, a happy, Zen-like, underwhelming. All the news lately has been a bit upsetting and disappointing. We are concerned for Life on the Planet. That's a big worry, and although it's super-important it's also sort of pointless & ridiculous. We are pretty much helpless on that front. We try hard to be carbon-neutral, to be careful stewards of the Life all around us, but we are not even drops in the now getting hotter and more polluted oceans. Yes, the Climate Catastrophe has us totally spooked. How to get thru? The only strategy that seems to work is to concentrate on our own gardens of being. Feed our hearts, our heads, our souls with creative pursuits, to cultivate beauty and good cheer. Open our hearts to the deep suffering all around and try to encompass it, and not be swallowed by it. Maybe it's that idea of embracing the shadow, processing the darkness, realizing that the dark and light are always dancing around each other. And what of our fellow Human Beings? We are the culprits, we are the murderers responsible for this concentrated attack on the Earth Goddess Gaia.  Are we totally irredeemable? Can we change our ways? Is there some Deus Ex Machina just out of the frame of this ecological horror-film? The jury is out. We have to Hope that there's Hope. And that little glimmer has to be enough.