Friday, July 14, 2023

Dante's Seven Circles of Our Hell-like Predicament...

Misanthropy - "is the general hatred, dislike, distrust, or contempt of the human species, human behavior, or human nature. A misanthrope or misanthropist is someone who holds such views or feelings."

Of course if you are a dyed-in-the-wool Misanthrope, you have hatred, dislike, distrust or contempt for yourself too. It's kind of a Catch-22 thing. Anyone raised in the Roman Catholic Church knows of what I speak.

Can you be a kind, gracious, happy, giving, joyous, life-enjoying, gentle, beautiful, creative, vivacious, inspiring Misanthrope? 

Yes, that kind of contradictory dilemma is exactly possible. I am intimately familiar with such a Misanthrope. I can easily ride that vibe too. You know, my thing, of course, we are the Tricky, Complicated, Often Disappointing Monkeys. 

My good friend and I love Nature, all the mountains, rivers, streams & oceans, all the pretty creatures, all the flora and fauna, but we have a love/hate relationship with all things Human. Thinking that the best of us are caretakers and protectors of the Natural World, the World that we were birthed from, but also knowing that the worst of us are the destroyers, the thoughtless murderers of all this Natural Beauty, Enemies of the Good and the Good-Natured amongst us.

A nasty conundrum, indeed.

We are Social Beasts. Some of us are Bad-Intentioned, and Bad things flow from that stance. Some of us are Good-Intentioned, and sometimes Good and Sometimes Bad things flow from that stance, think: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions & Unintended-Consequences.

So yeah, think of any Human Institution & Invention. Think of the Flawed Nature of Being Human. That explains much of our Dante's Seven Circles of Our Hell-like predicament.