Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Healing Power of Art & Music...

Last night our band played at an amazing music room to a wildly enthusiastic & packed to the rafters house. It was total, pure joy. You know, words that floated in the air after our performance included: transcendent, ecstatic, beautiful, inspiring, joyful, powerful.

I was surprised that I was able to play a full set of music, for the most part, without any pain (see previous post). It is a testament to the power of the creative thing.  I mean, for most of the set, I didn't feel a thing, I just floated on the power of our band, and the love emanating from the audience. Amazing.

All day yesterday I was high on caffeine, ibuprofen, adrenaline, and good vibes. All our energy was pointed forward to show-time. I was determined to play at my ultimate best, come hell or high-water. My body cooperated. I kept my fingers limber. All the pain and stiffness in my body melted away. The only time I felt a twinge of stiffness and residual pain was on the 2nd to last song of our set. It was that F-Major Barre Chord on my big, old clunky acoustic guitar that reminded me I that I had just survived a very nasty bike accident.

No one except my partner and I knew that I was playing injured. That's pretty damn cool. I mean, we often talk about the healing power of art and music, but last night it was a reality.  Abrasions? Contusions? Bruises? Soreness? All vanished in the beauty and the light of a radiant performance, and an out-pouring of love. A bit tired and sore and stiff this a.m. but exhilarated too. Funny & fabulous.