Friday, June 16, 2023

"The Bruce Wayne of Leashes..."

Magnificent show be damned. I mean, yes, it was totally, madly, deeply magnificent (see previous post), but then, it is over. You can't hold onto it. There is a glow, a sense of accomplishment, the knowledge and experience of a well-made, well-done happening, but then, it's done and gone.

I told someone yesterday, speaking off the top of my head, no idea what words would pop out: "By night, a r&r Batman, by day, The Bruce Wayne of Leashes." Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. Sometimes I really crack myself up.

How does that magnificence translate into the wider world? Invisible. Maybe tiny invisible threads, or frequencies, vibrations that emanate out and beyond our own home-bound bodies? At least that's a mystical thought-train of consolation.

"It is what it is." The show. It's enough that we did it. We carry that in our bones. Does it get any better than that? Probably not worth musing about. Onto the next thing. That's it.