Monday, June 19, 2023

Secret Garden Time...

We took to coasting (see previous post), as a high-art-form over the last few days. We tooled around on bikes, slowly, methodically, with a slight vertigo of PTSD (trauma in the body), as the result of a nasty bike accident (yes, still riding my flashy racing bike, my clunky cruiser is on order), nearly a week ago. We found ourselves sitting in the sunshine in various locations: lakefront bench, secluded backyard, propped up against a massive stone wall. We also spent lots of time listening to music on an incredibly powerful and beautifully-dimensional home stereo system at the big mansion on the lake. Our playlist: ambient music from Brian Eno, remastered versions of Steely Dan's catalog of albums (yes, still on a Steely Dan kick),  plus Mogwai's  great "Happy Songs for Happy People,"  fabulous soul-enriching music. We were happy people coasting on chill vibes. We watched the puffy clouds floating in the blue, the trees dancing in the breeze, little pretty critters scamping around in the flora and fauna. Time both stood-still and swam past us in a blink. For long stretches of time we were lost in a private, secret garden.