Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Funny. The Buddhists tell us that Life is Suffering. 

So best to adopt a finely-honed "non-attachment, or detachment... a state in which a person overcomes their emotional attachment to or desire for things, people or worldly concerns and thus attains a heightened perspective. It is considered a wise virtue and is promoted in various Eastern religions, such as Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism and Buddhism. It is also a key concept in Christian spirituality (often referred to by the Greek term apatheia), where it signifies a detachment from worldly objects and concerns."

Sometimes easier said than done. Funny. I was injured in a bike accident about a week ago, and I am living with pain. Not overwhelming, but significant. It's worst when I am stationary, eases up when I move about. This new state of pain has propelled me into a certain non-attachment, a certain detachment. 

My body is in an unhappy state, but my head-space seems more expansive, more studied, more contemplative. Weird. I am stopping to smell the roses. Spending lots of time under that big blue sky, staring off into the great horizon over a surging body of water.  I am keeping busy, but I am sort of floating thru the motions of the day. Not trying to hold onto, or grasp, anything. 

I feel like I faced a catastrophe and walked away. Almost a renewal of life. A new life with pain, but life in all it's technicolor bounty. Every day is a step forward to healing. I suppose that's in the back of my mind. But I am detached even from that mind-set. Still alive. That's it.