Saturday, May 20, 2023

The Bench

The bench. It's actually a number of benches on the lakefront, facing East, like recumbent gods, in attentive postures, watching over Lake Michigan. My partner and I made a daily religious pilgrimage to these benches during the months of lockdown, which now seems like a lifetime ago. We still make the trek, a little less religiously now, but we are often found sitting on one of these benches, staring off into the great distance. It has become one our essential, life-saving, rituals. Which bench? Usually the one closest to a large, looming, tree. Sometimes naked, all gnarly black branches, sometimes in full bloom, with large green leaves drooping, flapping or swaying, depending on if, and which way, the wind blows.  Sometimes we choose to sit in the sunshine, sometimes in the shade, each bench has a little metal medallion, with words of dedication to folks who have either passed away, or who just lent the $ to say a few words of encouragement to future-sitters of the bench.  I found myself on the bench alone yesterday. My partner was busy doing necessary errands. I was free to sit, and watch. Definitely a great way to clear your head-space. I often sit lotus-style on the bench, still limber, and flexible enough, to do it. I imagine myself as some kind of lost, white-boy buddha-wanna-be, running thru my meditations, sometimes silently repeating a mantra, sometimes replaying conversations or things I am going to do or write about. It is best when I just sit and breathe, kind of tune into the waves. But every day, every time you sit on the bench the waves, the light, the moment is different. Never the same way twice. There is a lesson there. I have learned if you sit in one place long enough, the world will come to you. So many friends, distant relations have crossed in front of me while I was being a very still contented energy on the bench. Yesterday a long-ago fellow-traveler stopped by. He said "hello," and sat down next to me. Years ago we studied meditation together. We have so many interconnected instances between us. A long line of mutual acquaintances, and experiences. We ran thru a quick litany of remembrances. Amazing to remember things you didn't know you remembered. It seemed like an important meeting, with a wise soul, who knows me from a long list of past creative adventures, plays, musical performances, art shows. It felt like a meeting of equals, compatriots, co-conspirators. A passing moment. And then we said our "goodbyes" and he moved on. I stayed on the bench for a bit longer. And then I too, headed off to other assignments. The bench. The benches. Sacred markers, places of a certain power, platforms for contemplation, and community. A vortex of energy where life rolls on and rolls out.