Sunday, May 21, 2023

A More Truthful and Soulful Frequency...

"You are not the main character in the Universe." - Brianna Wu

You know, seems obvious, but lots of us find this idea really hard to take in. If you can take it in, and understand it, truly, madly, deeply, and incorporate it into your being, you will be a "better" version, an improved model, and mode, of a Human Being. 

Sure, I get it, not being the main character in this grand, unfolding saga is kind of a demotion, and a blow to our puffed-up, fragile egos. It is humbling, and maybe a bit frustrating. It's a big fat slap in our narcissistic faces, but it is so obviously true, it's basically undeniable. And being true, if you can ride with it, you will save yourself lots of trauma & mischief, and misunderstanding, and bad blood, and, for sure, you will resonate with the Universe at a better, more truthful and soulful frequency.

And, dare I say, that's what it's all about. I mean, I am just spit-balling here, just another humble pilgrim, a peripheral, marginal, pretty much irrelevant character in a much bigger story. A story I can't even really get my head around. And, well, that's OK. Maybe better than OK. I am just riding a vibe for all it's worth, which might not be much, but is probably, inevitably just enough.