Sunday, May 14, 2023

Refuse The Bully...

Bullies: "a blustering, browbeating person especially : one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable."

Sounds familiar? 

Seems our culture, society, politics, business world, social media is all about the Bully. There are the famous Bullies dominating the airspace, sucking all the oxygen from the room, and out of our heads. And then there are all those small-minded, heartless, meek and cowardly folks who cheer on the Bully. There are whole elaborate political & social movements based on the love and worship of, and for, the Bully. Authoritarianism & Fascism (see previous post), are obvious manifestations of Bully Culture. 

My first interactions with the Bully happened as a child in Catholic Grade School. Recess was often a free-for-all where the big kids took out their aggression and excess energy on the little kids. I was forced to endure the "pricks & kicks," to eat my fair-share of dirt at the hands of a Fat Bully. 

I remember coming to the aid of a little, fragile, kid with glasses and braces who was bloodied by a couple of tough, mean kids. Blood dripping from his nose, blood on his face & shirt, glasses broken, tears and soft whimpers. I  put my arm around him and helped him to the bathroom to clean up. To this day, I have usually sided with the Underdog. 

I did finally rid myself of my main tormenter, the Fat Bully. Under the usual assault I somehow landed a wild, lucky punch, and bloodied the Bully's nose. Amazing. Totally stunned him and stopped him in his tracks. He melted away, and disappeared, he never bothered me again. Suddenly the neighborhood was a quieter and a bit more sunny place.

I suppose I have carried that lesson with me my whole life. Any authoritarian, any fascist, any dictator, any aggressive individual beating down on those weaker, smaller and more vulnerable, which, really if you think of it describes most of the Human Beings on the planet, evokes a visceral reaction in my being. Deep in my bones, deep in my experience, I just know it is wrong. The Bully is actually a coward, a baby. Someone easily shown up. It just takes a little courage, maybe a bit of luck; folks who stand up for themselves, demand to be counted, and refuse to bow to the loud, blubbering Bully. We must all be ruled by kindness, but the Bully needs to be called out, shown the door, shamed and laughed at. Sure they can be welcomed back into our good graces, if they stop that bullying shit and make amends. Or go quietly into that good night.

It can be done. I can tell the tale...