Monday, May 15, 2023

Always Be Growing...

 "He not busy being born is busy dying..." - Bob Dylan

"A ghost is born." - Jeff Tweedy/Wilco

We talk about growing up. You know, from child to adult. But really, being alive is a constant process of growing. Never stops. Until it stops.

"...the doom and glory of knowing who you are..." - James Baldwin

Maybe we are here to explore and experience as much as we can?

“... no one can build you the bridge on which you, and only you, must cross the river of life...” - Friedrich Nietzsche

“Self-knowledge… is not an aim in itself, but a means of liberating the forces of spontaneous growth. In this sense, to work at ourselves becomes not only the prime moral obligation, but… the prime moral privilege.” - Karen Horney

Maybe we are here to grow, to unfold, just like that willow tree on the lakefront? We are here to be ourselves to the max, open and alive to the world. Sprouting, bending, swinging, folding, wrapping, infused with life and energy.