Wednesday, April 19, 2023

To Shark or Not to Shark...

There is something to be said for gumption, persistence, a certain relentlessness, a stick-to-it-tive-ness. I get a notion, an idea and sometimes I just can't let it go. You know, I am like a shark always on the hunt for the next meal. It can be a maddening phenomena for folks around me, and for me too, but it's a quality I have, and sometimes I just can't help myself. I will drive that idea to the ground. Damn the torpedoes. This comes handy in creative projects: writing a poem, a play, a song lyric, coming up with a riff or chord progression on my guitar. I get obsessed. The results can be very rewarding. It is also handy in the world of biz: coming up with a scheme or plan, a promotion, research, making the ask, chasing down the $. Not as rewarding. Little successes, or successes that feel like failures and a bland, blind futility. Even if I do get some kind of payoff, it seems the energy expended outweighs the $ that end up in the bank account. So yeah, for me  it is the creative pursuits that have the bang for the buck, the biz pursuits where everything is measured by the buck, comes up wanting.  Does the shark ever rest? Yes. Sometimes just because of pure exhaustion. Also this shark likes to pursue the calm center, practicing meditation, a life-long passion for silence, stillness, and calmness. Can you pursue peace and calm with the relentlessness of a shark? Probably not the best way to do it. Finally you have to drop your ego, drop the shark mask and just be. Silent. In the moment.