Tuesday, April 18, 2023

No Fretting...

How does it all end? 

We don't know, we won't know. That's just the way of the world and our place in it. This big epic movie is playing, we come into the theater long after the flick has started, and we will exit long after it ends, if it ever ends. 

And how do we end? Burn out, fade away? Death by natural causes, death by misadventure? Seems there are an infinite number of ways to go.

It is a sunny, beautiful morning here. Why is death on my mind? Well, it's always been on my mind since a very young age, I am sure I am not the only one. The knowledge of our eventual demise seems to be a very human thing.

And the planet seems to be burning up, folks are shooting each other down at an alarming rate, other folks are doing soul-killing deeds just for the fuck of it. Makes one a bit sheepish about being from the human tribe.  What if we could just fill ourselves up with love and passion?

No sense in fretting about death. It will come when it comes. Could be the next heartbeat, could be years from now, could be the next calamity/catastrophe around the corner. All we have is the moment, the moment to live. That is a code for living. Inhabit the moment, the now. Live it to the max. Make of it what you can. Damn the torpedoes.