Friday, April 28, 2023

Old Bones...

Old bones. 

There is something to be said for longevity. Maybe you gain a bit of wisdom along the way? You certainly accumulate more experiences over time. You find yourself here/now, and even with all the turmoil, hurly-burly, pain, loss & suffering that you endure, you find reasons for wanting to hang around: Laughter, Love, Light.

You hope you can live and die with a bit of intelligence & grace. But really who knows?!

We went to a memorial service yesterday (see previous post), for a young person who stepped out early. Someone who intentionally chose death over life. So shocking. So tragic & sad. So many young folks were there speaking about a young soul of dazzling energy & creativity. It was a heart-breaking event. Hard to understand or process the immense loss. Afterwards we were stunned into silence. Sometimes silence really is the only answer.

Later in the afternoon we found ourselves on the lakefront. Dazzling sunshine, blue sky, a big body of water waving and heaving. Everything was alive, in motion. We sat in the sun, propped against a stone wall. This. Just this. Life.