Thursday, April 27, 2023

Keep Going...

Be into something...

That would be my simple advice to anyone foolish enough to ask my advice.  A code for living. It kind of goes along with another line I often use: You must believe. What to believe in? Best to keep it sort of sketchy,  general & open-ended: believe in goodness, believe in a better day, believe in the creative impulse, believe in the golden light of LOVE. Is that enough? I don't know.

Word came that a young person we know, stepped out, decided to end her own life. So sad, so shocking. The story that is told is that she was surrounded & overwhelmed by sadness and the loss of people very close to her, she was at sea, adrift, unable to hold onto anything. All of these things resonate. We all suffer loss, we are all at sea, we are all in various stages of being adrift.

How to make it? Be into something. Something outside of yourself. That is all I have.  You know, when it comes down to it, words do fail. Life is a long-form improv: Yes... and... try to keep the game going forward...