Thursday, March 02, 2023

Speed Reading & Slow Reading...

 Speed Reading. I forget how or when I learned to do it. I think it was in High School. I don't use it often. Most of the time, if I am reading, I am reading to savor the text, for instance, I am re-reading Bob Dylan's "Chronicles," and this time I am really luxuriating in the words. I love Dylan's use of language, he is a poet and visionary. Sometimes, he loses me, he has an uncommon intelligence, and he makes connections that I don't make, but that's why I am totally entranced and fascinated and inspired by everything he does. The book is billed as "Volume One," but one wonders if more volumes are really in the works? With Dylan you never know.

Anyway, I am slowly, re-reading that book. 

But about a week ago, I was sitting in someone else's living room, waiting, waiting, waiting for the time to tick down, basically killing time, waiting to make my exit. A book called "The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well," was sitting on the coffee table. I picked it up and sped thru it. 

Reading comprehension? What did I get out of the 15 min read of the text? The people of Denmark are the happiest on the planet. Why? They wear wool socks and comfy, wool sweaters. They listen to music, vinyl and phonographs recommended. They drink hot chocolate & good coffee. They love to chat with folks around the kitchen table. They spend lots of time in the analog world, hanging with friends and family. They, by and large, engage with Social Media sparingly. Slow reading would be the way to go.

And, the big reveal...

It is all about the light. Lighting. How folks light their homes. How they use light in their lives. Think: candle-light, fireplaces, small lamps. Yes. Want to make a room totally exude hygge? Light a candle! If you think about it, it totally makes sense, Human Beings have spent most of their time on the planet huddling in front of real flames. All that artificial light is a recent phenomena. Definitely lacks hygge.

I think Evelyn Wood would be quite happy. 15 mins and I pretty much got the gist of the book.

So what was were we doing yesterday afternoon? Replacing the lights in our band rehearsal room. My partner and I took down those ugly fluorescent lamps and installed LED lighting panels. Still bright, but a bit warmer, a more natural glow. We have an event coming up, and we will bring in some Christmas lights,  some colored bulbs, and yes, a few candles. It's all about the light.  Hygge! I mean, we always kind of knew it, but listen to the Danes. They got it down. And, yes, thank you Evelyn Wood! 15 min read to glory!