Friday, March 03, 2023

A New Ride...

Yes. Picked up my new bike a Felt SR 81 two days ago. I mean, a bike new for me, it's actually a well-cared for, slightly/lightly used bike.  I hated to see my old bike crumble and fail, but, you know, rust never sleeps. I didn't do any research on the my new purchase when I ordered it. I relied on the advice of the local Bike Tech, but I was happy to find that Felt is a company based in California, and when I was told the bike arrived in the shop I walked over and was happy to see it for real. It is light, fast, seems to be quite well-built. Plus, it is an appealing shade of blue. It's not their top-line bike, it's on the lower spectrum of models, but you know, I am not the racing type, more of a rolling, rambling, meandering, getting from place to place in a timely manner kind of rider. The bike was shipped in from Appleton, Wisconsin, it is truly a nice well-maintained bike. Funny, for a brief time in my life, my family lived in Appleton. I absolutely hated it there. A small town. Click-ish, small-minded. I didn't fit in, the other kids thought I was a gangster from big old bad Chicago. Funny that. Anyway, a new ride, a new era. I am gliding thru the streets in style. Buying stuff, it is seductive. The shit we own helps define us. Funny that too. Money is just another energy, spend it wisely Pilgrim. And keep your eyes peeled on those hard, mean streets.