Friday, March 17, 2023

Is the Silly Season Over?

Musings on St. Patrick's Day. 

Did St. Patrick drive the snakes out of Ireland? Nope. No snakes were ever on that Emerald Isle to begin with. Just a bit of Irish balderdash. It is time for a bit truth-telling, or truth-casting, truth-conjuring, this a.m.


Maybe it will be the year of truth? Cold hard truth. Scams revealed. Gaudy castles crumbling to dust. Liars stripped bare. The high and mighty cut down. Media, Business and Political stars exposed as Con artists. Banks falling. Money vaporizing. The elaborate fantasies of so many exposed as silly, ridiculous, foolish & pernicious nonsense. Maybe people will briefly take their heads out of their asses? "You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." - B. Dylan

I do think when the money starts disappearing everyone suddenly gets a bit more serious. We live in a Capitalistic Paradise. The streets are paved with $. When we get down to the money level, folks realize there is a reality, that maybe gravity really does exist, and yes, it really is all about the Benjamins, but funny, even the Benjamins themselves are fungible, fuzzy, a bit sketchy. And when folks realize that the platforms of disinformation & lies, that all that noisy, flashy, sexy nonsense is bad for biz, well, maybe, just maybe, it's time for a cold, hard, reckoning? Although, don't hold your breath.

"Don't look at the man behind the curtain." Right. Much of our world is so much flash & dash. Shiny, crappy, paper-thin. "Everything is cheaper than it looks." - Neil Young.  CGI. You know, pretty damn fake, looking pretty damn real, but not really real.

Once you get past flesh & bone, dirt & air, grit & spit, everything gets a bit sketchy and wobbly.

Ha. This is all probably my own sunny little fantasy playing out this morning. It would be gratifying to see the scammers and flim-flammers facing the music. To see reality reassert it's primacy, virtual reality be damned. Still, finally, Just praying the pieces don't fall on the rest of us.