Thursday, March 16, 2023

How Do People Change?

How do people change? I don't really know.  

I do think change is good. If we are paying attention, we live our lives, we have experiences, and we adjust our thoughts, our mind-sets, and our actions based on our collisions with reality. One day, we wake up to a new reality, a new mind-set, a new version of ourselves. We are "works in progress," our job is to adapt, evolve, work on being a better human being.

Yesterday was clean-up time at our humble abode. There was a time this would be an onerous task, something I'd resist and push against. Instead, yesterday, I enthusiastically embraced the idea: the sweeping, the mopping, the polishing, the buffing. The friendly aroma of Meyer's Peppermint soap wafted thru the air, and it was invigorating. Seems like a simple exercise, cleaning up your mess. I now look at it as a very important ritual. And reflects a bigger reality. A new me.

Keeping your shit together. Honoring your personal space. Keeping things orderly and clean. Taking the time to pay attention to the little details. Being careful. The outer space around you is a reflection of your inner space. We can't rearrange the world, but we do have the power to re-arrange our own living bubbles of life. Today a clean and empty sink is a sign of clarity & care. 

So, yes, cleanup time suddenly seems like an essential, important event. Immensely rewarding too. Who knew?!